
Posts Tagged ‘Gold’

Coming into the games there was one question on every Canadian’s mind – Who will be the  first Canadian to win gold at home?

Canada “was” the only country to host the games multiple times but never win a gold medal at home.

Moments ago, Alex Bilodeau  changed everything.

I am so overwhelmed with emotions right now. This is an historic event which will be remembered for ever – the first Canadian to win gold at home.

But the fact that Alex stomped over Dale Beggs-Smith just makes it that much more sweeter.

Technically,  Dale Beggs-Smith is a Canadian. He was born and raised here, learned the sport here but represents Australia. In media circus leading up the big showdown he refused to even talk to the Canadian media. I am sure he, more than once, visualized  himself as the champion and the look of despair on the faces of Canadians. He perfectly executed his routine and took the comfortable sport as the #1 guy.

But all his evil dreams vaporized when Alex soared down the mountain and snatched away the first position for him.

LoL @ Pathetic look on his face.

GO CANADA. FU Dale Beggs-Smith.

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We all know what it is and how it works.

It’s a virtual farm hosted online for you to manage. You plant, plow, harvest, sell crops. Exciting right? Not really. Firstly, this is a message to all the farm ville fanatics out there – WE (the sane ones) don’t care about your minuscule farm ville accomplishments. I have no interest in finding out what level you have reached, or how much money you made by selling your harvest or how many eggs your pregnant hen  just popped out or how much you have milking that green plastic cow. Seriously, I don’t need to read your each farm ville activity.

“XXX”  just earned the ‘Lord Of The Plow’ blue ribbon in Farm Ville!

“XXX” chickens are mighty hungry!

SHUT UP. I want your chickens to die. It gives me pleasure.

This game requires time and patience. Chances are if you have a life you lack both. You are required to plant crops and do whatever the heck you do with them and then wait for them to grow up. Seriously? What do these online crops think they are? They’re not real; just grow up already. Even when they do grow up, there is a window of time between which you must harvest your plantation or it withers out. I don’t have enough free time to log in every 3 hours and check on how my strawberries are coming along. Then sell them. All this for the invaluable shiny gold coins that open the doors of opportunities and success and allow your face book kids to enjoy all the luxuries in life. (I am sure they’re going to make an app where 2 people can make babies on face book and raise them up. You’re farm ville money will determine which face book school they go to.)

The simple game has become so popular that they sell you stuff for real money. Its a small indication that some people are spending  actual cash to unlock perks for their farms. People if you want a farm, and are really that rich, go buy a small piece of land. No, not online, you nerd. Step out of your house ( I know its challenging but try it) and buy a real piece of land. If not, shut up and utilize this time to do something productive. Don’t act all thug every time your hen lays an egg or crop grows by an inch. Face book users flaunt this stuff on their walls like this is the biggest accomplishment of their lives. Like they have it all figured out, and are on route to wall street with their fancy gold coins.

I am Kudi_Punjaban and today I made myself proud by blocking farm ville once and for all.

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Please stop making awesome music. For the last few days I have “Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah-Ro-ma-oh-ma-ma” stuck in my head.
I literally can’t get over this song. Its so catchy;. I absolutely love Lady Gaga and her music.

Girl you gotta stop being so awesome all the time.

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Canada and USA Juniors have both created some great moments for hockey fans. They will once again go head to head tomorrow to fight for hockey supremacy. Canada has been dominant throughout the tournament but USA is not be taken lightly. They always push Canadians to the limit. Canada-USA round robin match up was one for the ages and expect nothing less from these 2 teams when the puck drops tomorrow.

Good luck Canada. Eh-o-Canada-Go!

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