
Posts Tagged ‘phone’

People love Fridays. They look forward to this day for it indicates the end of the 5 day marathon and the arrival of the 48 hours of peace and freedom.

I were amongst the “We love Friday” clan. I vaguely remember the time when I’d happily welcome the Friday sunshine into my house and lay out a rough plan for the epically crazy weekend ahead.

However, as of today I unsubscribe to the Friday joy. Lately, I have noticed a worrying pattern in my life. Friday is consistently the most uninteresting and suffocating day of the week. Every morning I drive to the university where my professors, like vampires, suck out every ounce of energy. I then slowly maneuver back to my home where I rejuvenate myself with a brief nap. When I wake up I feel fresh and ready to take on the world, win the world cup, save humanity. This stream of youthful energy needs an outlet. Therefore, I make some phone calls to my friends with intentions to “chill maro yaar.” (Me is teh feel like fob today) I am usually good at this  but as I said Fridays have not been on good terms with me lately. So, the phone calls lead to nothing; My friends appear to be either always buried under responsibilities (HUH?) or are already too shitfaced to think straight.

I then turn to the ultimate source of entertainment – The Television. People say, “Television died like 3 years ago.” Well..they are right. This leaves me with only one option – TEH INTERWEB. I start off by visiting online forums. 99% of the time there’s nothing there that could hold my attention for more than a microsecond. Therefore, I move on to Youtube. This helps but not for long. My brain demands something more profound and engaging…umm … like MSN. MSN conversations are fun yo

“Person 1: Hey

Person 2: Hello

Person 1: How is it going?

Person 1: you there?”


“Strange person: Hey long time eh

Me: Who are you?

Person: Oh so you don’t remember me? lol lol

Me: No

Person: We talked for the first time in September 2005.  We used to talk all night long about menstruation and


I spend the rest of the night periodically switching between Facebook, twitter, youtube before calling it a day.

It’s not like I don’t have a life. I have just transformed from a “Friday-Saturday” person into a “Saturday-Sunday” person.

Warning: Saturday-Sunday chill maro (again?) could result in a Monday morning hangover. This could negatively impact your grades and lead to life threatening situations  if you have desi parents. Proceed with caution)

I am kudipunjaban and Fridays, for me, are boring.

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Locked out

Dear blog,

Today I was locked out of my own house. When I got home, nobody was there to open the door and I didn’t have the key. I sat there for 30 mins in cold weather. Rather than looking for a way to break in I instinctively updated my face book status for others to get a kick out of this situation.

I am kudi_punjaban. This is my wonderful life.

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11 PM the night of 6th January my phone rang. I answered the phone. It was the dreaded “CALL OF DUTY”. Yes, the time had come for me to put my life on the line. I had been challenged by the enemy to enter the battlefield. I was left with no other choice but to accept the challenge for the enemy was none other than my young cousin.

I put on my war gear. I knew it was going to be an uphill battle as I am not much of a gamer. The only game I like to play is procrastinating at school. Knowing my dim chances of survival I proceeded to write my final words. I instructed my best friend to publish it on my face book in case I don’t make it back. I then immediately, without caring for my life, turned the PlayStation 3 on. Tension in the room was high. The enemy had logged onto the PS3 servers and before you know we were locked in a shootout. I scavenged the map like a hungry lioness. I knew the enemy was in range. I could smell the blood. I was ready to engage in life threatening crossfire. My finger firmly placed on the trigger. Just then I felt a sting in my right arm. I thought to myself, “damn there mosquitoes here?” Little did I know it was a bullet shot with Scar-H assault rifle. At that point I knew death was imminent. I started to mentally prepare myself for death when a striking thought toddled across my mind. How could I give up? After all, my roots stretch out to the land of Bollywood. Over there, a hero struck by a bullet in his childhood could grow up, fall in love, run away with his lover, marry, defeat the enemies, produce and raise kids with the bullet still in his heart. Why was I acting so weak? Filled with confidence, passion and inspiration I got back up and…umm was hit again; in the leg this time. I desperately tried to locate the source of enemy fire but failed. Soon a third bullet entered by body, and my bollywood powers started to give up. It was time to bid final goodbye.

I am Kudi_Punjaban and I just died a slow humiliating death at the hands of my own cousin.

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