
Posts Tagged ‘movies’

I am brain sleeping while typing this. Whats that? Thats where I imagine myself in my comfortable heavenly bed on a roller coaster ride through the kingdom of lazy. The point is I could use some sleep. I got none last night (no pun intended)

Yesterday, I called an old friend and decide to refresh some memories. Being desis we made the perfect desi getaway plan-a drive to Albion theater to catch 7 PM show of 3 idiots. With lord iphone’s support we safely made it to our destination on time and joined the long line at the ticket booth. 15 mins later as I prepared to buy my tickets an old uncle appeared out the blue and requested me to buy 4 tickets for him. Then a lady asked me to buy her 6 tickets. When it was all said and done I had 14 tickets in my hand. Pure G status.

I proceeded to find nice isolated seats for us. Like that was going to make any difference. Soon all the seats were filled. The movie was worth a lot more than we paid for it. By far the best bollywood movie of this year. Dont act cheap. Go watch it in a multiplex. Support the team. They deserve all the support they can get. Its really a masterpiece.

We then quickly exit the crowded building in pursuit of….umm.. food… yeah thats right. The food at albion sucks. Here’s what they got – pop corn, nachos and samosa. Seriously? WTF! We were done destroying our hunger by 12 and cruised back to our town. Its kinda weird coz I had to go all the back and to the airport just an hour later. I dropped my ally off and took a power nap for 25 mins before hitting the streets again. BAUS!!

I reach airport. Parked my vehicle (IMPORTANT) and rushed to the terminal. Did what I was suppose to, paid off my parking fees and set out to find my car. What happened? I forgot where I parked. I then walked through the haunted parking zone for the next 20 mins in gut freezing cold. SUCKS

I am Kudi_Punjaban. I forget where I park my car.

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