
Posts Tagged ‘share’

I have this strange routine that I follow each morning. When I get out of bed the first thing I do is pick up my iPhone to check my face book. I follow this by opening the blinds and staring at the world for good 5 minutes. I don’t know why I do the latter; without this routine I feel like I am missing something. It’s like I mentally prepare myself to tackle the obstacles the day might have for me; or something like that. This routine is usually very uninteresting. All I see is snow, neighbors leaving for work, cars skidding and sliding on the street – you know the usual stuff.

However, this morning I came across something very “new.” I was taking in the view when suddenly a man on skis entered the frame. Yes you heard me; I asked myself is this real? That guy actually skiing on the street? Na, this has to be a dream. He skied down the street and waved at my neighbor. The “WTF” look on my neighbor’s face confirmed the realness and weirdness of this situation. For the next few minutes I sat there, trying to figure out what had really happened.

Also, I regret I couldn’t capture this moment on film.
I am KudiPunjaban and I..oh whatever man..that dude was really skiing on the street. Share similar stories if you have any.

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